Statistics of view
Name:  Bengal
Pedigree number:  FS 00163191
Breed:  Dogo Сanario
Сolor:  Blue
Sex:  Female
Date of birth:  20.1.1994
Owner:  Vyatkin Alex & Shimko Irina
Father:  Deer Run Arbaco
Mother:  Deer Run Reeba
Health tests:  OFA HIP GOOD
Puppies:  Red Star Cheetah

Additional information about the dog: "Bengal was very stable dog with lack of prey drive. She was good enough for simple leash protection but was loosing interest quickly during more demanding off leash work. That is why she was never bred to Cotan, only to Turco with very good results. Later when Spanish judges came over to US we learned that she was of inappropriate for the breed "blue" color and even thought she never produced blue pups, we got her out of our breeding program. " Alex Vyatkin

Deer Run Arbaco
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Deer Run Reeba
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