Presa Canario

Pedigree nr:  RRC 0057636
Sex:  female
Litters:  3 litters
Puppies:  7 puppies

About Dog

in Haridian pdigrees there's a different Taifa*** with RRC 0059385


К сожалению, у нас нет данных о родителях собаки...


Year of birth in the interval: 1992 - ?
Presa Canario
№ pedigree: RRC 53720
Born: 11 September 1992
3 litters 4 puppies
Presa Canario
№ pedigree: RRC 0058786
3 litters 3 puppies
Presa Canario
№ pedigree: LOE RRC 0057614
2 litters 6 puppies
Presa Canario
№ pedigree: RKF 1404780 / UKC P380-792 / UPPCC 144010195
Born: 1 January 1995
4 litters 13 puppies
Presa Canario
№ pedigree: RRC 0060309
Born: 1 January 1995
1 litter 1 puppy
Presa Canario
№ pedigree: RRC 0060306
Born: 1 January 1995
Presa Canario
№ pedigree: LOE RRC 0057614
2 litters 6 puppies
Presa Canario
№ pedigree: LOE RRC 0061187 (NReg /PPC 00051/95/97)
Born: 14 August 1995
3 litters 4 puppies
Presa Canario
№ pedigree: RRC 0061185
Born: 14 August 1995
1 litter 1 puppy
Presa Canario
№ pedigree: RRC 0061184
Born: 14 August 1995